I actually think blog's are great for libraries to get their recommendations out there - whether its the latest good read or some nifty website, and of course there's those family history blogs!
I've decided to focus this blog on all things kiwi (sorry Aussies...I know.."another one!"). So there'll be some pics of my favourite places (and yes, some libraries), kiwiana, jokes maybe and a video or 2.
A little bit of kiwiana to start with - a couple of things I remember with fondness......
Buzzy bee!!
Just about every child in NZ has
one of these in their toy box
Chocolate fish!
Marshmallow & chocolate
(Buzz bars are nice too)
I love the Buzzy Bee - not too sure about the chocolate fish. They remind me of the deep fried Mars Bars I keep hearing about -uggh.